doctor tar

Sunday, August 21, 2005

You're so Vain (you probably think this blog is about you)

Lois: "You need to spend with the kids, Peter. I'm worried that you'll miss something important."
Peter: "Dont' worry about it Lois. I pay attention to everything that's going on....holy crap Ohura's black?"

So I'm watching the Marketplace and the report said that long distance rates for cell phones have no need to be higher than land line phones even though companies claim there's different technology involved.
And did you know that per-minute, rather than per-second billing can increase your cell phone bill by 40 per cent.
Yet these companies charge us access fees that already net them hefty profits.

Apparently text messaging's version of spam is permeating cell phones as people are checking their messages to find out they have messages from dating services and other equally annoying solicitations.
And make sure you check your cell phone bill; one person got charged for a test message she received from one of these services. She got a refund after complaining to Telus. So check your bills people.

On a musical note I watched the Life and Times of Randy Bachman formerly of The Guess Who and Bachman Turner Overdrive and father of Tal Bachman.
Talk about knowing what your calling is; at five-years old he announced to his Grade 1 class that he was going to be a musician.
I've come to the belief this summer that some people have a clear vision for their destiny and it becomes impossible for them to waiver or be diverted from it because it's like they are 'compelled.'
Contrast that with me. I took forever to find a destiny and have waivered and diverted many times unable to step with both feet off the platform of life and dive right in. And even when I think I have, I'm still concerned that there's not water in the pool.

I just saw on CBC that Hunter S. Thompson's ashes were blasted from a cannon near his Colorado home as he requested. It says Bill Murray and Johnny Depp were there along with 'rock bands, blow-up dolls and plenty of liquor.'


  • At 4:10 PM, Blogger Auren said…

    Ha! jokes on you this blog IS about me. Everything's about me, it's all mine.

  • At 10:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    No, it's about me, of course.

  • At 8:32 AM, Blogger Auren said…



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