doctor tar

Monday, June 27, 2005

Corky and the juice pigs

I heard the best line today on muchmusic. (Sarah, bear with me, I know you heard me laughing about this already). I was watching the Top 20 rehab rockers. Some of the usual suspect like Ozzy-#1, Scott Weiland-#6, Elton John, James Hatfield, Steve Earl, Keith Richards (the poster boy for heavy drug use) plus the unusually surprising like Michael Jackson (unusual in that I didn't realize he had to go into rehab for an addiction to prescription meds).

Anyway another who made the list was Courtney Love. And in light of her recent newsmaking events such as not showing up for court dates and fighting with photographers (didn't she)? and losing custody of Frances Bean for a few months, Ms. Love responded to how she is intends to get her life stable once more.
"I'm gonna rock my way out of trouble." I love that line. What does she mean and how does she intend to do it?
Next time I face a challenging story, I'm going to tell my editor not to worry because 'I'll rock my way into a good story.' That'll get me off the hook. Sure it will.

I have a word for you--it's called 'krumping.' I first heard it last night because someone has made a docu movie called 'Rize' a style of dance that has its roots in a group of clowns who invented the dance as kind of a counter dance movement to the gansta image associated with hip hop. Apparently people flock to the Great Western Forum to take in an anuual contest. Sometimes, something new is often followed by the confirmation of that that something new is new to other people as well, even though really, it's kind of well, old.
Anyway, it was on the Late Show I think. I would describe it as agressive break dancing. The smooth, undulating movements that are characteristic of break dancing are rivalled by the jerky, yet fluent ( i know, how can it be both?) and less polished moves in krumping. They're in time with the beat yet they aren't but somehow, they keep the rhythm These guys were amazing - punching and kicking at the air, dancers take turns rotating in 10-15 second intervals, partly because it seems to take a ton of energy to even attempt.

You have to see it for yourself and I think you'll know what I mean.

Next, my thoughts on Live 8. And FYI, tis better to have been a 'has been' then a 'never was.'


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