doctor tar

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Take the long way home

I'm 1,200 kms from home working for the summer in Kitimat, B.C., and writing in a blog with a glass of red wine sounds like a good way to pass the time. Unsure how to approach blogging - kind of torn between stream of consciousness writing or posting something that is insightful and observant. Right now, it doesn't seem to matter. I keep wanting to glance over at the TV but it's kinda blurry. I finally came out of denial and got some glasses--that was less than three weeks ago so I'm still getting used to them. It's like discovering a new world, glasses make everything come alive--it's like I've discovered another dimension. Two things I hate about them though: One, they slip down my nose sometimes and two, they're a bitch to keep clean. Anyway, got to go, time for a refill.


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